Source code for panoramisk.manager

import asyncio
import logging
from collections import defaultdict
from collections import deque
import re
import fnmatch
from .ami_protocol import AMIProtocol
from . import actions
from . import utils

[docs]class Manager: """Main object: .. code-block:: python >>> manager = Manager( ... host='', ... port=5038, ... ssl=False, ... encoding='utf8') """ defaults = dict( host='', port=5038, events='on', ssl=False, encoding='utf8', ping_delay=10, ping_interval=10, reconnect_timeout=2, protocol_factory=AMIProtocol, save_stream=None, loop=None, forgetable_actions=('ping', 'login'), ) def __init__(self, **config): self.config = dict(self.defaults, **config) self.loop = self.config['loop'] self.log = config.get('log', logging.getLogger(__name__)) self.callbacks = defaultdict(list) self.protocol = None self.patterns = [] self.save_stream = self.config.get('save_stream') self.authenticated = False self.authenticated_future = None self.awaiting_actions = deque() self.forgetable_actions = self.config['forgetable_actions'] self.pinger = None self.ping_delay = int(self.config['ping_delay']) self.ping_interval = int(self.config['ping_interval']) self.reconnect_timeout = int(self.config['reconnect_timeout']) self._connected = False self.register_event('FullyBooted', self.send_awaiting_actions) self.on_login = config.get('on_login', on_login) self.on_connect = config.get('on_connect', on_connect) self.on_disconnect = config.get('on_disconnect', on_disconnect) def connection_made(self, f): if getattr(self, 'protocol', None): self.protocol.close() try: transport, protocol = f.result() except OSError: # pragma: no cover if self._connected: self.log.exception('Not able to connect') self._connected = False else: self.log.warning('Not able to reconnect') self.loop.call_later(self.reconnect_timeout, self.connect) else: self._connected = True self.log.debug('Manager connected') self.loop.call_soon(self.on_connect, self) self.protocol = protocol self.protocol.queue = deque() self.protocol.factory = self self.protocol.log = self.log self.protocol.config = self.config self.protocol.encoding = self.encoding = self.config['encoding'] self.responses = self.protocol.responses = {} if 'username' in self.config: self.authenticated = False self.authenticated_future = self.send_action({ 'Action': 'Login', 'Username': self.config['username'], 'Secret': self.config['secret'], 'Events': self.config['events']}) self.authenticated_future.add_done_callback(self.login) else: self.log.debug('username not in config file') self.pinger = self.loop.call_later(self.ping_delay, def login(self, future): self.authenticated_future = None resp = future.result() self.authenticated = bool(resp.success) if self.authenticated: self.loop.call_soon(self.on_login, self) if self.pinger is not None: self.pinger.cancel() self.pinger = self.loop.call_later(self.ping_delay, return self.authenticated def ping(self): # pragma: no cover self.pinger = self.loop.call_later(self.ping_interval, self.protocol.send({'Action': 'Ping'}) async def send_awaiting_actions(self, *_):'Sending awaiting actions') while self.awaiting_actions: action = self.awaiting_actions.popleft() if action['action'].lower() not in self.forgetable_actions: if not action.future.done(): self.send_action(action, as_list=action.as_list)
[docs] def send_action(self, action, as_list=None, **kwargs): """Send an :class:`~panoramisk.actions.Action` to the server: :param action: an Action or dict with action name and parameters to send :type action: Action or dict or Command :param as_list: If True, the action Future will retrieve all responses :type as_list: boolean :return: a Future that will receive the response :rtype: asyncio.Future :Example: To retrieve answer in a coroutine:: manager = Manager() resp = await manager.send_action({'Action': 'Status'}) With a callback:: manager = Manager() future = manager.send_action({'Action': 'Status'}) future.add_done_callback(handle_status_response) See for more information on actions """ action.update(kwargs) return self.protocol.send(action, as_list=as_list)
[docs] def send_command(self, command, as_list=False): """Send a :class:`~panoramisk.actions.Command` to the server:: manager = Manager() resp = manager.send_command('http show status') Return a response :class:`~panoramisk.message.Message`. See """ action = actions.Action({'Command': command, 'Action': 'Command'}, as_list=as_list) return self.send_action(action)
[docs] def send_agi_command(self, channel, command, as_list=False): """Send a :class:`~panoramisk.actions.Command` to the server: :param channel: Channel name where to launch command. Ex: 'SIP/000000-00000a53' :type channel: String :param command: command to launch. Ex: 'GET VARIABLE async_agi_server' :type command: String :param as_list: If True, the action Future will retrieve all responses :type as_list: boolean :return: a Future that will receive the response :rtype: asyncio.Future :Example: :: manager = Manager() resp = manager.send_agi_command('SIP/000000-00000a53', 'GET VARIABLE async_agi_server') Return a response :class:`~panoramisk.message.Message`. See """ action = actions.Command({'Action': 'AGI', 'Channel': channel, 'Command': command}, as_list=as_list) return self.send_action(action)
[docs] def connect(self, run_forever=False, on_startup=None, on_shutdown=None): """connect to the server""" if self.loop is None: # pragma: no cover self.loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() t = asyncio.Task( self.loop.create_connection( self.config['protocol_factory'], self.config['host'], self.config['port'], ssl=self.config['ssl']), loop=self.loop) t.add_done_callback(self.connection_made) if run_forever: self.run_forever(on_startup, on_shutdown) return t
[docs] def run_forever(self, on_startup, on_shutdown): """Start loop forever""" try: if on_startup: self.loop.run_until_complete(on_startup(self)) self.loop.run_forever() except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): self.close() finally: if on_shutdown: self.loop.run_until_complete(on_shutdown(self)) self.loop.stop()
[docs] def register_event(self, pattern, callback=None): """register an event. See :class:`~panoramisk.message.Message`: .. code-block:: python >>> def callback(manager, event): ... print(manager, event) >>> manager = Manager() >>> manager.register_event('Meetme*', callback) <function callback at 0x...> You can also use the manager as a decorator: .. code-block:: python >>> manager = Manager() >>> @manager.register_event('Meetme*') ... def callback(manager, event): ... print(manager, event) """ def _register_event(callback): if not self.callbacks[pattern]: self.patterns.append((pattern, re.compile(fnmatch.translate(pattern)))) self.callbacks[pattern].append(callback) return callback if callback is not None: return _register_event(callback) else: return _register_event
def dispatch(self, event): matches = [] event.manager = self for pattern, regexp in self.patterns: match = regexp.match(event.event) if match is not None: matches.append(pattern) for callback in self.callbacks[pattern]: ret = callback(self, event) if (asyncio.iscoroutine(ret) or isinstance(ret, asyncio.Future)): asyncio.ensure_future(ret, loop=self.loop) return matches
[docs] def close(self): """Close the connection""" if self.pinger: self.pinger.cancel() self.pinger = None if getattr(self, 'protocol', None): self.protocol.close()
def connection_lost(self, exc): self._connected = False self.log.error('Connection lost') self.loop.call_soon(self.on_disconnect, self, exc) if self.pinger: self.pinger.cancel() self.pinger = None'Try to connect again in %d second(s)' % self.reconnect_timeout) self.loop.call_later(self.reconnect_timeout, self.connect) @classmethod def from_config(cls, filename_or_fd, section='asterisk', **kwargs): config = utils.config(filename_or_fd, section=section) config.update(kwargs) return cls(**config)
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal def on_connect(manager: Manager): """ Callback after connect """ pass # noinspection PyUnusedLocal def on_login(manager: Manager): """ Callback after login """ pass # noinspection PyUnusedLocal def on_disconnect(manager: Manager, exc: Exception): """ Callback after disconnect """ pass