Source code for panoramisk.fast_agi

import logging
import asyncio
from collections import OrderedDict
from .utils import parse_agi_result

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class Request:
    def __init__(self, app, headers, reader, writer, encoding='utf-8'): = app
        self.headers = headers
        self.reader = reader
        self.writer = writer
        self.encoding = encoding

    async def send_command(self, command):
        """Send a command for FastAGI request:

        :param command: Command to launch on FastAGI request. Ex: 'EXEC StartMusicOnHolds'
        :type command: String



            async def call_waiting(request):
                print(['AGI variables:', request.headers])
                await request.send_command('ANSWER')
                await request.send_command('EXEC StartMusicOnHold')
                await request.send_command('EXEC Wait 10')

        command += '\n'
        await self.writer.drain()

        agi_result = await self._read_result()
        # If Asterisk returns `100 Trying...`, wait for next the response.
        while agi_result.get('status_code') == 100:
            agi_result = await self._read_result()

        # when we got AGIUsageError the following line contains some indication
        if 'error' in agi_result and agi_result['error'] == 'AGIUsageError':
            buff_usage_error = await self.reader.readline()
            agi_result['msg'] += buff_usage_error.decode(self.encoding)

        return agi_result

    async def _read_result(self):
        """Parse read a response from the AGI and parse it.

        :return dict: The AGI response parsed into a dict.
        response = await self.reader.readline()
        return parse_agi_result(response.decode(self.encoding)[:-1])

[docs]class Application(dict): """Main object: .. code-block:: python >>> fa_app = Application() """ buf_size = 100 def __init__(self, default_encoding='utf-8', loop=None): super(Application, self).__init__() self.default_encoding = default_encoding if loop is None: loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() self.loop = loop self._route = OrderedDict()
[docs] def add_route(self, path, endpoint): """Add a route for FastAGI requests: :param path: URI to answer. Ex: 'calls/start' :type path: String :param endpoint: command to launch. Ex: start :type endpoint: callable :Example: :: async def start(request): print('Receive a FastAGI request') print(['AGI variables:', request.headers]) fa_app = Application() fa_app.add_route('calls/start', start) """ assert callable(endpoint), endpoint if path in self._route: raise ValueError('A route already exists.') if not asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(endpoint): endpoint = asyncio.coroutine(endpoint) self._route[path] = endpoint
[docs] def del_route(self, path): """Delete a route for FastAGI requests: :param path: URI to answer. Ex: 'calls/start' :type path: String :Example: :: async def start(request): print('Receive a FastAGI request') print(['AGI variables:', request.headers]) fa_app = Application() fa_app.add_route('calls/start', start) fa_app.del_route('calls/start') """ if path not in self._route: raise ValueError('This route doesn\'t exist.') del(self._route[path])
[docs] async def handler(self, reader, writer): """AsyncIO coroutine handler to launch socket listening. :Example: :: async def start(request): print('Receive a FastAGI request') print(['AGI variables:', request.headers]) fa_app = Application() fa_app.add_route('calls/start', start) coro = asyncio.start_server(fa_app.handler, '', 4574) server = loop.run_until_complete(coro) See """ buffer = b'' while b'\n\n' not in buffer: buffer += await lines = buffer[:-2].decode(self.default_encoding).split('\n') headers = OrderedDict([ line.split(': ', 1) for line in lines if ': ' in line ]) agi_network_script = headers.get('agi_network_script')'Received FastAGI request from %r for "%s" route', writer.get_extra_info('peername'), agi_network_script) log.debug("Asterisk Headers: %r", headers) if agi_network_script is not None: route = self._route.get(agi_network_script) if route is not None: request = Request(app=self, headers=headers, reader=reader, writer=writer, encoding=self.default_encoding) try: await route(request) except BaseException: log.exception( 'An exception has been raised for the request "%s"', agi_network_script ) else: log.error('No route for the request "%s"', agi_network_script) else: log.error('No agi_network_script header for the request') log.debug("Closing client socket") writer.close()